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Quantifying bilingual language experience: Optimising tools for educators, clinicians and researchers

  • Dates: 2019–2022
  • Funding body: ESRC
  • Value: £735,374
  • Primary investigator: Cecile De Cat (Linguistics & Phonetics)
  • Co-investigators: Sharon Unsworth (Radboud University, NL); Philippe Prévost (Université de Tours, FR); Laurie Tuller (Université de Tours, FR); Ludovica Serratrice (Reading University); Arief Gusnanto (University of Leeds) Draško Kascelan (Linguistics & Phonetics), Peter Gillman (Reading University)
  • L@L themes:
    Language and cognition;
    Language learning and teaching;
  • L@L satellites:
    Language Development & Cognition

The Q-BEx project aims to provide an optimised and customisable online tool to develop profiles of bilingual (and trilingual) children. This tool is aimed at researchers, teachers and speech & language therapists.