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Language Development & Cognition

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Children Learning Adjectives: Free research workshop and practitioner CPD


The Leeds Child Development Unit at the University of Leeds is hosting a researcher-practitioner online workshop on children’s descriptive vocabulary on Thursday March 18th, 1-5pm GMT. Event description: The role of vocabulary breadth and depth in children’s achievement at school and beyond is well recognised. One way of enriching vocabulary is through descriptive language. Classroom and clinical practice is designed to...

Lydia Gunning: Assessing homonymic awareness in children from diverse linguistic background


Assessing homonymic awareness in children from diverse linguistic backgrounds Lydia Gunning (University of Leeds) Homonymous words are defined as those which have multiple, unrelated meanings, but each meaning of the word has identical spelling and pronunciation. Whilst homonyms are rife within the English language, there is a paucity of research exploring homonymic awareness in children,...

Language Development and Cognition Satellite Research Talk: Clare Wright and Chen Yang


Clare Wright will discuss her ongoing work on eyetracking and the learning of Chinese characters, and Chen Yang will talk to us about her PhD plans to examine whether the noun phrase accessibility hierarchy predicts acquisition of Chinese relative clauses. If you would like to attend, please contact Chris Dixon ( for a Teams invite.

Aleksandra Tomic: Effects of code-switching on the processing of emotional words


Effects of code-switching on the processing of emotional words Aleksandra Tomic (UiT - Arctic University of Norway) Many phenomena in psycholinguistics have been studied using artificial paradigms due to laboratory limitations. Code-switching, a highly socially regulated practice, may be one of the phenomena experimentally studied with the least regard for the environment it appears in...

Florence Myles: Learner corpora and SLA theory: the importance of task design


If you would like to attend this talk online, please email by the 11th of May at the latest. "Learner corpora and SLA theory: the importance of task design" (abstract to be posted soon) Florence Myles, University of Essex Learner corpora are becoming a significant asset for second language acquisition research, and are becoming...

Dogus Oksuz: "Collocational Processing in L1 and L2: The Effects of Word Frequency, Collocational Frequency, and Association"


Collocational Processing in L1 and L2: The Effects of Word Frequency, Collocational Frequency, and Association Dogus Oksuz (School of Education, University of Leeds) This study investigated the effects of individual word frequency, collocational frequency and transitional probabilities on L1 and L2 collocational processing. An acceptability judgment task was administered to advanced L2 and L1 speakers...

Kate Cain: The dynamics of reading and listening comprehension: developmental perspectives


The dynamics of reading and listening comprehension: developmental perspectives Prof Kate Cain (University of Lancaster) The product of successful reading (and listening) comprehension is a coherent and accurate representation of the state of affairs described in the text: a mental model. A number of language and cognitive skills support the real-time construction of the mental model; these...

PsychoPy workshop 2020


In this workshop, you will learn now to use the intuitive Builder interface PsychoPy, including some of its recently developmed features (e.g. running studies online). This interface aims to be easy enough for use in undergraduate teaching, yet flexible enough for high-precision experimental psychology. Getting started with basic experiments is really easy, but this workshop...