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[Leeds TIS Seminar Series] The translation teaching platform based on multilingual corpora of The Governance of China: Design, resources and applications


Speaker: Prof. HU Kaibao, Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University Abstract: Over the last two decades, the domain of corpus-based translation studies has evolved into a significant paradigm, instrumental in probing a diverse array of scholarly inquiries. This article demonstrates the various uses of corpus analysis techniques that have gained popularity...

Research talk: ‘Translating Sanxingdui- challenges and opportunities’ by XU Yuanyuan


Speaker: XU Yuanyuan, lecturer in English and translation at Xihua University, Chengdu Abstract The large number of unique relics unearthed at Sanxingdui (Sichuan, China) have both astounded and confounded scholars, with various theories having been developed to try to understand and explain the origin and demise of the ancient Shu civilization in China. Despite extensive...

“Hotpots and cold spots: English speakers learning other languages”: Inaugural Lecture by Professor Becky Muradás-Taylor


 Reception – Drinks reception held on the ground floor of the Michael Sadler Building until 7pm  To book a place at this event, please go to the ticket source link below, where you will find further details of the lecture and a biography of Professor Muradás-Taylor.  If you cannot attend this event in person, you can...

Leverhulme Lectures (2024) : Tailoring instruction to levels of learner expertise


Leverhulme Lectures (2024)   by Leverhulme Visiting Professor Slava Kalyuga Host: Dr Ouhao Chen Slava Kalyugais Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology at the School of Education, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His research interests are in cognitive processes in learning, cognitive load theory, and evidence-based instructional design principles. His specific contributions include detailed...

Distinguished Speaker Lecture. Prof Judy Clegg: Children’s communication and their life chances


Distinguished Speaker 2024: Prof Judy Clegg, University of Sheffield Recording Children’s communication and their life chances In this talk, we will focus on the most vulnerable children to understand how developmental differences in children’s speech, language and communication impact on their life chances. Research focusing on children growing up in social disadvantage, looked after care...